Eliezer Suarez also known as Natru Hi was born on the south side of the Bronx on August 10,1987. His mother was all but 16 years of age when she gave birth to him. Although she was young, she made sure he had everything he needed. His biological father had left before he could turn the age of one. And although his life would seem grim without a male role model ,his mother meat and later fell in love with Anthony Daniels who would later become one of his influences in music and a great father . At the ripe age of about four or five he became very aware of everything around him. So it was only natural that he fell in love with music when father would bring home with the latest music at the end of every week. The turning point for him was most like after hearing a song on the radio by the 90’s group Onyx called “SLAM.” Noticing his interest music his father bought him the Onyx tape and Natru carried it in his back pocket everywhere he went.
It wasn’t until he reached high school when he developed the knack to rap and write lyrics. He was introduced to a new circuit called a cypha, never seeing one in person; naturally he was drawn to it.
He stared and studied the rhymes that were tossed carelessly and observed that everyone had his own style. From then on he would go home and write his own rhymes in attempt to match and outwit the frequent lyricist at school. It wasn’t too long before his ability to create metaphors superseded his peers.
Although he loved writing and reciting his rhymes he still had much to learn about the art of recording, and structuring what would later on become a life goal and a passion. After graduating in 2005 and moving to Kingsbridge area of the Bronx, Natru Hi would meet and befriend one his biggest music influences of his career, Erik Thompson aka Jonnie Storm. After playing basketball one day, Natru was invited by Storm to a recording session. Never being at one he didn’t know what to expect let alone how to make a song. After recording his first song and hearing his self being playing through speakers he was instantly hooked. With just a little push and guidance from storm, he would elevate and take his skills to the next level putting together his first mix tape titled “An Eye On New York.” Though the mix tape wasn’t widely circulated it was received with great reviews of promise and talent.